"If we could push a button and all of this would be created, we would.

"We explored options for developing classic servers and none could be executed without great difficulty," he added. From active internal team discussions to after-hours meetings with leadership, this subject has been highly debated "It's a topic every BlizzCon and especially over the past few weeks. "We have been discussing classic servers for years," wrote WOW executive producer J. Now Blizzard has finally broken its silence on the matter and addressed the community directly. Nostalrius' closure gave rise to many questions about pirate/private servers as well as questions about why Blizzard couldn't - or wouldn't - offer a vanilla WOW experience itself. And they were popular - home to an active community of thousands of people. They were pirate/private servers not allowed by Blizzard so they didn't have a wooden leg to stand on, yet they offered something Blizzard does not: a vanilla (pre-expansions) version of World of Warcraft for people to play. It’s no wonder people want to avoid streamers, but unfortunately, thousands of people seeking refuge on a single server is only going to create an entirely new set of issues.There was a to-do recently when Blizzard lawyers forced the World of Warcraft Nostalrius servers to close. If you end up on the same team as a streamer who is broadcasting your PVP battle, including your team's location and strategy, you’re likely to end up at a distinct disadvantage. Stream sniping is also to be taken into consideration.

Excitable fans following a streamer round in-game aren’t against the rules, meaning many players understandably prefer to stay out of the way of streamers. While streamers can discourage people following them, they have very little control over the actions of others. There is also a huge potential impact for anyone trying to level or quest in the same area as a streamer with a huge entourage. It can potentially lead to a faction imbalance, an overpopulated server, and even server lag as crowds gather in one place. A popular streamer will often have many fans wanting to play with them, which is the biggest cause of problems for others.