Things like getting DMAs and IRQs set up for your sound card needed doing for every game. Before Windows, gaming on a PC was a bollock ache. The new must-have item was the personal computer.īill Gates had got this idea into his head that Windows 95 was going to be this shiny all-singing gaming platform. Take That’s “Never Forget” spent 3 weeks at the top of the chart, before Blur’s “Country House” knocked them off. Pocahontas was the big Disney film that summer. It was on the Microsoft CD Sampler that came with that old Pentium 2 PC. I can tell you how I was first exposed to Fury 3.

In fact, I remembered while making this video. I can remember playing Fury 3 at about 11 years old, using the terrible beige Quickshot joystick that also came bundled with that PC. I have really strong memories attached to that. Along with POD, Fury 3 came with my first computer, our family Pentium 2 PC. But I don’t want to sound like a total bellend so I’m going to go with Fury 3.

Is it Fury Three? Fury Cubed? There isn’t a Fury 1 or 2 and the manual says it’s “Fury to the Third Power”. You might not have known that Fury 3 was the game that helped to sell Windows 95, even though today it has faded into complete obscurity. This is a game that’s full of nostalgia for me, and probably for you too.